KRAV MAGA EMETH « La Puissance d’un système unique »


Un Objectif : l’excellence ! Aucun système n’aura été développé et testé avec un tel niveau d’exigence.

Aaron ELBAZE est l’instructeur Chef de l’Operative Israeli System Emeth Krav Maga pour la France et l’Europe.


Il enseigne l’Opérative Israeli System (OIS) depuis de longues années, il intervient régulièrement sur différentes régions dans le monde pour la formation des services spéciaux.


KRAV MAGA EMETH « The Power of a Unique System »


One objective: excellence! No other system has been developed and tested with such high standards


O.I.S EMETH KRAV MAGA is the world’s most specialized system in survival against terrorism. It has been proven successful by the sweat and tears of people who have had to depend on it to survive, and it continues to be employed by the military and police elite.


The O.I.S EMETH KRAV MAGA method is comprehensive and provides a depth of practical knowledge, thanks in part to the unrivaled experience of Israeli security and anti-terrorist units.

This comprehensive survival system also covers all aspects of personal safety and teaches all types of combat, with or without weapons.


In our system, there are no exercises, there are principles of combat. These principles are based on several techniques derived from KM and the best Israeli survival systems, which are constantly used in various situations that are as close to reality as possible. O.I.S KRAV MAGA is constantly evolving thanks to the mental and physical skills of the people who practice it in the field, in Israel and the rest of the world.


The emphasis is placed on the development of natural and instinctive reactions in surprise situations, to develop the most appropriate defense in real-life situations.


We emphasize the « Operational » nature of techniques and training, which encompasses all physical, psychological and tactical skills in a specific environment with the operational work of those who train.


Its effectiveness is unique and formidable « There are no rules when you fight for your life, or for the lives of others! »


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